Meet Our Team

Meet our team - Tbaytel Administrative Building Meet our team - Tbaytel Administrative Building

President's Message

On behalf of our entire Tbaytel team, thank you for your support of the work that we do to serve our customers and community. We are proud to deliver an advanced communications network to you, our loyal customers, and we look forward to a strong future of market leadership for years to come.

We recognize that the landscape for communication services is changing rapidly. The way our networks are being used today for business support, education, health care and entertainment are far different than ever before, and it’s only an indication of continued demand in the future. The economic benefits of broadband are no longer concentrated in local or regional markets, but rather a part of a larger world economy that can only be supported through high quality reliable networks...

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Dan Topatigh

Meet our Executive Management Team

Tbaytel is led by an engaging team of professionals, bringing a wealth of experience and industry knowledge to provide leadership to Tbaytel’s entire employee base as they strive to achieve the company’s Strategic Direction and Mission.

Municipal Service Board

By resolution of Thunder Bay City Council, the Tbaytel Municipal Service Board was formed in November 2004 to foster business growth and drive new market opportunities. As a full service Telecommunications Company, Tbaytel recognized that this model of governance was the most appropriate means of nurturing business growth, strengthening customer perceptions, and increasing shareholder value.

The Tbaytel Municipal Service Board is comprised of eight voting members and one non-voting member. Thunder Bay City Council appoints the members and the Chair, and the Directors elect the Vice-Chair from among the members. The Tbaytel President and CEO is the non-voting member of the Board, and Tbaytel’s Chief Financial Officer and the City Manager also actively participate.

The Board’s work is built around four core guiding principles that serve to ensure Tbaytel’s continued growth, accountability, and performance in Northern Ontario: financial stability, employment creation, regional economic development, and technological innovation. The Municipal Service Board is a strong proponent of Tbaytel’s vision, supporting marketplace advancement and enhancing its business reputation. Since the inception of the Board in 2004, Tbaytel dividends paid to the City of Thunder Bay total $357 million dollars to date.



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