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Receive a $50 EverythingCard when you activate a new line, or upgrade to a new device on a 2-year contract with any 5G+ Unlimited Data Plan.
When you subscribe to a Voice & Data plan and agree to a two year commitment we'll send you a $50 EverythingCard gift card as a special thank you.
When you sign up for Tbaytel Internet services and agree to a two year commitment we'll send you a $100 EverythingCard gift card as a special thank you.
Save $20/month on your existing Tbaytel Internet service for 24 months when you activate new monitoring with a 3 year term.
When you purchase a smart home security equipment package with a 3-year term we’ll include a FREE Smart Security Camera. Choose between either an outdoor camera or a video doorbell.
PLUS, save $20/month on your existing Tbaytel Internet service for 2 years when you activate new monitoring with a 3-year term.
When you sign up for a new Tbaytel Security monitoring service during the promotional period and agree to a three year commitment we'll send you a $100 EverythingCard gift card as a special thank you.
Sign up for both Internet & TV service with a 24-month term and save $10/month for 24 months on your existing Tbaytel mobility service.
$10/month mobility discount for 24 months is available only to residents in Fort Frances, Dryden, Kenora, Marathon and Terrace Bay and based on a new Internet & TV subscription with a 24 month term. The discount can be applied to only one active mobility service per Internet/TV service address subscription after service has been installed.
When you sign up for Tbaytel TV services and agree to a two year commitment we'll send you an Amazon Fire TV Stick as a special thank you.
When you subscribe to a 5G+ Unlimited Data Plan and agree to a two year commitment we'll add a $50 bonus credit to your account as a thank you.
When you sign up for Tbaytel Internet services and agree to a two year commitment we'll send you a $100 EverythingCard gift card as a special thank you. Sign up for both Internet and TV and receive a $150 EverythingCard gift card.
When you sign up for Tbaytel TV services and agree to a two year commitment we'll send you a $50 EverythingCard gift card as a special thank you. Sign up for both Internet and TV and receive a $150 EverythingCard gift card.
Receive $100 worth of additional security equipment of your choice OR a $100 bill credit when purchasing a new security package with a 3-year monitoring term.
Offer ends January 6, 2025. $100 free equipment or bill credit offer applies to new residential customers who purchase a new smart security system with a 36-month monitoring term.
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