Tbaytel's Newsroom

All the tings going on at Tbaytel

Tbaytel Newsroom


Keep up with everything happening at Tbaytel

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Tbaytel is looking to do its part to help address the critical need for doctors in northern Ontario by announcing its support for the Northern Ontario School of Medicine’s Tbaytel Entrance Award Fund on Friday morning.


Tbaytel has wrapped up its largest Tbaytel for Good Community Fund campaign ever with three $10,000 winners being announced Friday. More than 213,543 votes from May 31 to June 11 were cast for the three winners, who will now put a total of $30,000 to great use throughout northern Ontario.


The Tbaytel for Good Community Fund is looking to support big dreams in Northern Ontario as Tbaytel announced Tuesday that it will be removing its previous funding categories and instead will give away three $10,000 grants this year for the first time ever.


Tbaytel has wound down another successful Tbaytel for Good Community Fund campaign with four amazing winners being announced Monday.


As the global situation with COVID-19 continues to evolve, Tbaytel is making sure the Tbaytel for Good Community Fund is right there to continue to support community members, organizations and local businesses who need it.

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