How do I redeem my OnDemand coupon?

Using OnDemand coupons

  1. Press the ON DEMAND button on your remote control.
  2. Select REDEEM COUPON and press the OK button on your remote control.
  3. Enter the coupon code provided and select CHECK COUPON.
  4. When you’re ready to rent a movie, visit the OnDemand library by pressing the ON DEMAND button on your remote control.


IMPORTANT NOTE: When a movie is rented, a message indicating you will be charged for the rental will appear on your screen. As long as you have a valid coupon loaded on your account, a credit for the rental will appear on your next bill. Check for available coupons by selecting My Coupons on the Redeem Coupon screen. Used OnDemand coupons will continue to appear under My Coupons until the following day.

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Updated on Thu, 30 Dec 2021 by Sean Otway

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