FAQs about Alert Ready TV Broadcasts

View Frequently Asked Questions about Alert Ready TV broadcasts here

How will I know when an alert has been issued?

When Tbaytel receives an alert, an on-screen image preceded by 2 alert tones will appear on customer’s TV service screens which will provide written details about the alert. The image will appear on-screen for 15 seconds and will continue to reappear every 30 seconds for a period of 15 minutes.

How do I clear an alert from the TV screen once it has been read?

Once read, an alert can be cleared from the TV screen by pressing either the “EXIT TO TV” or “EXIT X” button on your Tbaytel TV remote control. This process only clears the current alert and any new alerts will still be delivered to Tbaytel TV customers as per the established process for distributing alerts.

What types of emergency alerts are issued via Alert Ready?

The Alert Ready system allows alerting authorities from federal, provincial and territorial governments to issue a wide range of public safety messages. However, broadcasters are only required to distribute emergency alerts for situations that pose an immediate threat-to-life.

Government officials developed and agreed on a specific list of the types of alerts that are considered a threat-to-life and should be distributed immediately, interrupting radio and television broadcasts. These “Broadcast Immediately” emergency alerts have the highest level of severity, urgency and certainty. For a full list, visit the Alert Types section of the website.

Issuing alerts outside of this list (for example heavy rainfall or blizzard warnings) is at the discretion of each of the broadcasters.

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Updated on Thu, 18 Mar 2021 by Tbaytel Shannon

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