What is a typical phishing scenario?

Understand what phishing looks like so you can avoid it

  1. A spam email is sent to numerous consumers. The email identifies itself to be from a familiar institution, such as Tbaytel, and will typically persuade the consumer to connect to a website or respond to an email in order for the consumer's personal information to be updated. The common claim in the email is that this update is required for "security" or "technical" reasons, in order to keep the consumer's accounts active.

  2. Some of the email recipients believe the email to be from a trusted source and follow the instructions provided in the email. Usually a link is provided in the email, which when selected, directs the recipients to an official looking but fictitious website. This fictitious website is designed to look like the legitimate company's website and will even include the company's logo. An area on this fictitious website will request the entry of sensitive and private consumer information such as:

    • Usernames & Passwords - for emails or computer logins

    • Identity Information – such as name, address, SIN, credit card numbers

  3. These users are providing their information to criminals. These criminals are committing email fraud with the intention of gaining access to consumer emails, computer files, or secure information such as banking information. Usually the criminals will act on the information they have been provided within a short time frame, before it is even detected by the consumer.

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