Before changing your battery, the security system needs to be placed on System Test - this can be performed by calling the monitoring station at 807-345-2739 or toll free 1-800-893-2739 and picking Option 1.
Before changing your battery, the security system needs to be placed on System Test - this can be performed by calling the monitoring station at 807-345-2739 or toll free 1-800-893-2739 and picking Option 1.
The first step after putting your security system on System Test is to determine whether or not you have a Control Panel Canister.
The Control Panel Canister is usually located in the basement near where your electrical panel is, or in a utility room or closet. It will be tan and is usually marked with a Tbaytel Security sticker on it. Some main panels require a key, in which you should have a copy. Often our installers will leave it on top of the canister, or taped to the side of the unit. Should you not be able to find it, a replacement key can be acquired at the Tbaytel Store at 959 Fort William Road, Thunder Bay.

The easiest way to determine which battery you need is to bring the old battery with you to the Tbaytel Store when purchasing a new one. There are small lead batteries (4Ah) and large lead batteries (7Ah) - these batteries are not interchangeable.
To change either battery, follow the steps below:
- Disconnect the leads from the old battery. The black wire is the negative connection - gently pull the connection from the battery. It may need a little wiggle to dislodge but should slide free of the terminal.
- Remove the red wire’s connector from the positive terminal. Once both wire connections are removed from the battery you can remove the battery from the canister and prepare to replace the battery.
- On the new battery be certain to remove any protective plastic covers on the battery terminals. (It is recommended to use the new battery’s packaging for discarding the old battery.)
- Place the new battery where the old one was sitting. It should be fully supported and resting flat.
- Reconnect the wires in the opposite direction, red wire to the battery first, then the black.
It can take up to 24 hours for the Low Battery indication on the keypad to go away. If it is still there after 48 hours, call Technical Support at 807-623-4400 or toll free at 1-800-264-9501.
Some systems, like the Honeywell Lynx (5100/5200) systems do not have a Canister - the system battery is in the main touchpad.
Lynx batteries have the following model numbers and look like this:
- 7.2V NiMh AA1100 (Standard 4hr capacity) (LYNXRCHKIT-SC)
- 7.2V NiMh AA2100 (High 8hr capacity) (LYNXRCHKIT-HC)

To change a Lynx battery, follow these steps:
- Press the top tabs of the touchpad with a screwdriver, then pull the front plate down.
- Remove the battery holder screw, then unplug the battery from the circuit board to remove it.
- Remove and replace with the new Honeywell battery.
- Put the battery holder back in and close up the faceplate of the panel.
- The Lynx beeps, and troubles appear on the main screen or with trouble icons. Press Security, then press System to view the trouble condition.
- Press the Home button, then enter your user code to silence and reset trouble conditions. The trouble will not reset until the core problem has been corrected.
- Press Security, press System, then press the back arrow to exit.

Regardless of the battery you need; you should be able to acquire them from the Tbaytel Store in the Thunder Center; or at most hardware stores.
TECH SUPPORT TIP: If you have misplaced your manual for the security system Tbaytel Technical Support can provide you with a PDF copy of the manual via email should you need. They are freely available on the internet from the manufacturer of the system’s website.