Travel Tips

Before you go, check out these Travel Tips

Check The Wireless Coverage

Before you leave, check the wireless coverage within the area that you will be travelling. Use our calculator to identify the applicable rates for voice, text messaging, and other data services. See rates.

Network Frequency

Check the network frequency of your wireless device and compare it to the frequencies used in the area you will be travelling. Doing so will determine if your device is compatible in the area.

Travel Savers

Purchasing one of Tbaytel's Travel Savers before you leave will help to reduce usage costs while roaming. Contact one of Tbaytel's Service Advisors at +1-807-623-4400 for more information.

Data Roaming

Turning data roaming off will block email, web browsing, visual voicemail and downloads, but does not block text messages. When travelling to the US or to other international destinations, data usage is not covered under your mobility plan. Since your device could potentially seek large amounts of data, you may wish to turn your data roaming "off". If you do not disable this function, you could be unpleasantly surprised by data roaming charges - even if you rarely use the device. See rates.

Set A Passcode

You may wish to set a passcode on your device in the event that it is lost or stolen. A passcode will make it more difficult for strangers to review your personal information and can also prevent you from incurring unauthorized long distance or roaming charges. If your device is lost or stolen please report it to Tbaytel at +1-800-264-9501 or +1-807-623-4400 as soon as possible.

Use WiFi

WiFi is available in many airports, hotels, and parks and allows you to browse the Web or check email without consuming data. Use WiFi instead of available cellular networks, whenever possible, to help minimize the amount of billable data you consume.

Make sure you remain connected via WiFi while browsing. Should you lose the WiFi connection, your device may switch to an available cellular network resulting in billable data consumption charges. You can avoid this from happening by temporarily turning off the cellular radio option on your device. Note: you will not be able to receive voice calls and text messages while the cellular radio is turned off.

IMEI Number

An IMEI is a unique serial number which can assist in identifying your device should your device be lost or stolen. It is recommended that you keep a written record of your device's IMEI. You can find the IMEI number by pressing *#06# on your device.

Sync Your Device

Sync your device before you travel to create a recent backup of your information, in the event that anything should happen to your device while travelling. Refer to your device's user manual for details.

Phone Charger

Don't forget to pack your device charger when you travel. Before you leave, you should check the electricity voltage of your destination and purchase any adapters that will be necessary for your phone charger to work.

Have a Safe Trip!

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Updated on Thu, 11 Feb 2021 by Tbaytel Shannon

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