Why can't I receive a call?

If you are having trouble receiving calls, follow the steps below.

  1. Can you make an outbound call?
    • If no, contact Tbaytel Technical Support with an alternate device or use Tbaytel's website call back option by visiting our Request a Call Back page. 
    • If yes, let's check out the handset next.
  2. Check to see if the ringer volume is low - this will be different depending on the type of handset you have. On a corded phone it is usually a slider switch along the side edge. On a cordless handset it can be a switch on the side or through the digital menu.
    • Once volume is adjusted, try another test call.
  3. Check to see if you have recently call-forwarded your landline.
    • The call forwarding may still be in place, dial *73. Listen for two beeps and hang up.
  4. Test to see if you can receive calls again - if not contact Tbaytel Technical Support at 807-623-4400 or toll free at 1-800-264-9501 for assistance.

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Updated on Fri, 29 Sep 2023 by Julie Workman

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