How is Wifi Calling billed?

Learn how calling over WiFi is billed.

When in Canada:

Incoming calls received over WiFi Calling while in Canada will be deducted from the airtime and messaging limits included in your wireless plan. Outgoing calls over WiFi Calling while in Canada will be billed as follows:

  • Calls to Canadian numbers will be deducted from the airtime limits included in your wireless plan, and no long distance charges will apply. If the monthly plan limits are exceeded, overage rates and/or current Pay-Per-Use wireless rates apply.
  • Calls to non-Canadian numbers will be billed according to the rates outlined in your wireless plan or current Pay-Per-Use wireless rates.

When outside of Canada:

If you are using WiFi Calling while outside of Canada, the following will be deducted from your airtime limits included in your wireless plan without incurring any long distance or roaming charges:

  • Incoming calls received from anywhere in the world
  • Outgoing calls made or sent by the customer to a Canadian number

Roaming and/or long distance charges will vary depending on the roaming option you are subscribed to:

With U.S. DailyPass, outgoing WiFi calls made to a non-Canadian numbers will incur the U.S. DailyPass daily charge. If you have already incurred this charge, then all outgoing WiFi calls made or received within that 24-hour period will be covered under the initial charge.

If you are subscribed to Travel Saver, all outgoing WiFi calls to a non-Canadian number will be deducted from the limit included in the Travel Saver. If the limit is exceeded, overage rates outlined in the Travel Saver will apply.

If you do not have U.S. DailyPass or a Travel Saver, outgoing WiFi calls to a non-Canadian number will be billed according to roaming Pay-Per-Use rates.

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Updated on Thu, 11 Feb 2021 by Tbaytel Shannon

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