My Legacy remote is not working or not responding to button presses

My remote is not working or not responding to button presses

If you are pushing buttons on your Tbayel Legacy remote and nothing is happening it could be due to a few reasons.

Remote is set to the wrong device

The Legacy TV remote can control different device and if one is not responding it could be that the remote is set to the wrong device. To change the remotes input simple push one of the four buttons at the top of the remote that corresponds to the device you are trying to control.

Tbaytel Legacy Remote - STB Button
Tbaytel Legacy Remote - STB Button


Legacy Remote has not been connected

If the remote is not controlling the TV set and the previous troubleshooting tip did not work then it is possible that the remote has not been programmed to the TV. View the "How to program the remote to the TV set" article for more information.

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Updated on Tue, 27 Feb 2024 by Sean Otway

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